Defective, Damaged, or Missing Items Policy

Defective, Damaged, or Missing Items Policy


Thank you for purchasing your flooring from!  We apologize for any inconvenience that you may have had with defective, damaged, and/or missing products.  We look forward to resolving these issues with you swiftly so that you can conclude your flooring job promptly and install the beautiful floors that you have purchased.


While we endeavor to rightly and adequately secure your flooring products for shipment and use only trustworthy and dependable carriers to ship our merchandise, occasionally we encounter defective, damaged, or missing items.  While unfortunate, we have policies in place to resolve any situation with the expediency it deserves.


First, there are several categories for incorrectly received products, and by finding the proper category, we can best direct you as to what the next step is to correct the problem.  Identify what situation your product falls into so we can find the solution when you contact us to file a claim.


These categories include:


WRONG PRODUCT:  If you believe that you have received the wrong product, you must file a claim by completing the claims form and submitting it to the claims department at or by calling 1-800-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD) within 10 DAYS of delivery.  You must submit digital picture files by email that support your claim.  You are also responsible for returning the wrong product so that the right product can be shipped to you.  No products will be shipped until a claim has been filed, pictures submitted via email, and the wrong product has been returned.


DAMAGED PRODUCT:  When you receive your shipment, if you notice any damage to the product at all, it MUST be noted on the proof of delivery BEFORE the driver leaves to make a claim.  Evidence of potential damaged products could be observed by any rips or tears to the boxes and/or torn/missing shrink-wrap.  Note on the proof of delivery any evidence of any damage to the products.  Afterwards, ACCEPT the shipment.  Immediately notify our claims department by calling 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD) or by emailing us at within 10 days of delivery.  You will need to complete and submit a claims form and digital pictures of all damaged products within 10 DAYS of delivery.  If a determination is made that there is enough damage to the merchandise to qualify for a replacement, Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring will ship a replacement for the damaged piece(s) immediately as to not delay installation.  Once Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring has determined the product was damaged and a replacement is issued, the damaged product becomes the property of the freight company.  Keep ALL damaged products as the freight carrier has 120 days (by law) to determine if they want to inspect, pick-up or trash the damaged merchandise. 


HIDDEN DAMAGED PRODUCT:  All visible damage must be documented on the driver’s proof of delivery for Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring to send a replacement free of charge.  If damage is not reported on the driver’s proof of delivery or it is only discovered once the product is opened and the driver is gone, it becomes a “Hidden Damaged Product” claim.  Hidden Damaged Product claims MUST be made through the freight carrier who delivered your merchandise and must be made within the freight companies time frame.  If this is the case, please contact the freight company immediately to file a claim with them as Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring is not responsible for any damage not noted on the driver’s proof of delivery.


*visible defects prior to installation will not be reimbursed

INSTALLED DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE PRODUCT:  Once you have installed your flooring products, you have accepted the flooring products in the condition they were in upon arrival of the freight carrier to your location and installation is considered your approval of those products.  If the flooring appears to be defective, it is your responsibility to hire a NWFA CERTIFIED inspector who will then determine if the flooring is defective or not.  If the inspector determines that the flooring is defective, you will be reimbursed for the inspector’s fees and you will receive credit or replacement of the flooring product that is defective, whichever is desired.  Contact the claims department at or 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD) and submit a claims form, digital images of the defective product, and have the inspector email a copy of the inspection report as well.  Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring is NOT responsible for any labor costs associated with the installation of defective flooring.  It is the customer’s responsibility to check the flooring for defects prior to installation.


DEFECTIVE PRODUCT:  If you are unpackaging your flooring products and discover a defect prior to installation, contact our claims department immediately at or 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD).  You will need to complete and submit the claims form and several pictures showing the defect or you may ship a sample board indicating the defect back to Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring.  Once it is determined that further inspection is required, you will need to hire an NWFA CERTIFIED inspector to inspect the material.  If it is found to be defective, have the inspector email a copy of the inspection report to  Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring will reimburse you for the inspection fees.  Once it is determined to be defective, contact the designated freight company to ship the defective product back (wrapped and unaltered) to Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring.  Once we received the tracking number that the defective product is in transit, we will immediately ship out the replacement product and/or issue you a credit including shipping charges once we receive the shipment.  If product is already installed, see previous category.


SHORTAGES:  Once you receive your shipment, you must inspect the merchandise to ensure that all the products listed on the proof of delivery is in your shipment before the driver leaves your property.  If there is a shortage in the quantity of items that you are supposed to receive which is inconsistent with the packing slip, you must document on the proof of delivery the amount of merchandise that you are missing.  If you discover that you are short of material after you open the shipment, contact the claims department at within 5 DAYS of delivery by calling 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD) or emailing us at  DO NOT install the material or make any cuts to the material before completing a claims form (add link) and submitting it to  Transitional moldings and trims may take additional time to arrive as they are custom made.  If these items are not on the proof of delivery, they may arrive later.  If you do not have an additional tracking number or freight company information for these items, please contact Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring to confirm that they are ordered and will be shipped to you separately.


MISSING PRODUCT:  When you receive your shipment, check the proof of delivery to confirm that you received ALL items in the shipment that is listed on the proof of delivery.  Note: transitional moldings and trims may be shipped separately later as they are custom made and may take additional time to arrive.  If all the items in your order are not listed on the invoice and there are missing items, you may have received 2 or more tracking numbers and they may arrive in separate shipments.  Contact to ensure that you have more than one shipment arriving.  If you are missing items that are listed on the delivery receipt, make a note on the proof of delivery before the driver leaves your property.  ALWAYS ACCEPT THE SHIPMENT.  If items are missing from the shipment, make a note on the proof of delivery and contact Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring immediately at 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD).  The freight carrier has up to 48 hours to find your missing merchandise before we can file a claim for missing product.  If after 48 hours the freight carrier cannot find your missing merchandise and no other shipments are to arrive, Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring will ship a replacement immediately.  If missing items are not noted on the proof of delivery at the time of arrival before the driver leaves, and you do not call to report a missing item within 5 DAYS your replacement for missing items will be forfeited.


Whichever category your shipment falls into, please remember to ALWAYS ACCEPT DELIVERY.  If you refuse delivery for any reason, shipping costs, restocking fees, flooring costs, and any additional fees will be your responsibility before a claim can be filed.  Damaged or defective flooring that is refused delivery will be non-refundable as the proof of delivery will not have the damaged or defective items noted on it.  Woodwudy Wholesale Flooring will NOT be responsible for any fees, fines, or charges incurred because of a refused delivery.


If the answer to your question does not fall into any of these categories, please see Claim Terms and Conditions for more information or contact us at 1-877-966-3983 (WOODWUD).  We look forward to serving you and correcting any problem swiftly and accurately to ensure that you are satisfied and delighted in your beautiful, new floors!